
Enabling technology companies, agencies and accountancy practices to take an intelligent approach to training new business sales people.

sales training done brilliantly

Learners are work-rich & time-poor, Full day training courses don't work

Long periods of time away from the office has a negative impact. My training & coaching is broken down in to monthly manageable chunks. Meaning sales people are always improving and addressing their biggest sales challenges, whilst focusing on the day job and target(s).

Bite-Size learning enables 40% more engagement

Social & micro media means Generation'X, Millenials and Generation'Z demand control and results with the least amount of effort. Their training needs and delivery is no different, especially in today's work-rich time-poor environment.

20% increase in information retention 

Bite-Size learning breaks down course concepts and content in to chunks that can be delivered in minutes and hours instead of hours and days.


Off site, multi company attended training is expensive, time consuming and not effective as it's never personalised. My courses provide every candidate with bespoke reference materials personalised to their company and proposition. Meaning after the course, and no matter where they are in the sales process with a prospect, they can always access 100% relevant next steps and content. 

My bite-size sales training approach brings professional excellence and creative execution. Focused around the core elements of prospecting, qualifying and securing new business. Ideally suited for new starters, desk based sales people or struggling field executives. 

What impact would a % increase in your low and middle performers have on your bottom line?

Let me enable your sales people to fill their pipeline and create new customers.
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